FLA OHT Partner Application

Thank you!

We appreciate your interest in becoming a partner of the Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Ontario Health Team (FLA OHT).

We are committed to continuously engaging with our community to ensure our plans and progress remain inclusive and considerate of all FLA OHT citizens' needs. 

We welcome community members (individuals or organizations) as new partners who wish to be part of transforming our health and wellness system in keeping with the principles of the FLA OHT. 

FLA OHT Partner Application Process: applications are submitted to the Transitional Leadership Collaborative for approval, in accordance with the FLA OHT Collaborative Decision-Making Agreement (CDMA). Once approved, new partners must agree to the terms of the CDMA. Below are our Guiding Principles on which our collaborations will thrive. New partners will be assigned to an existing Network, defined by integrated services centered on the needs of the people it provides for and will be welcomed to participate in various OHT engagements.


Together, we will:

  1. Be guided by the voices of people. Patients, clients, families and caregivers are partners in co-designing their health care system. System design will be inclusive and respectful, to best meet the needs of the diverse populations that we serve. This will include those that have distinct health service needs such as our Francophone and Indigenous populations. We acknowledge and respect the Indigenous Peoples health care system and will incorporate the suggestions made by engagement.
  2. Be future focused, considering children and youth, while planning for a sustainable health care system that meets the needs of patients and providers today and into the future.
  3. Value and invest in prevention – including early intervention; promoting protective factors and reducing risk factors; and supporting healthy behaviors. We will focus on wellness, supporting people in their homes, wherever they may be.
  4. Be grounded in the Social Determinants of Health – a health equity framework will be created and used to drive our work forward.
  5. Pay special attention to the most vulnerable and marginalized in our communities. Our goals will include keeping people out of hospitals and institutions, healthy, living meaningful and independent lives in their communities whenever possible and creating a system where there are no “unattached” patients.
  6. Leverage the power of partnerships – partners will include traditional, nontraditional and community stakeholders.
  7. Focus on improving care experiences and health outcomes guided by the Quadruple Aim. Representatives of the FLA-OHT are system thinkers, network builders, not sectoral representatives, focused on transparency, building trust and innovation. We will be accountable for outcomes that have a meaningful impact in the lives of the people we serve.
  8. Embrace digital innovation – Maximizing digital health opportunities and technical solutions.
  9. Be evidence based – Building on existing approaches that are evidence based, while looking for evidence about possible new approaches. We will push for more and better data to understand existing problems and their causes and to monitor the implementation of new approaches.
  10. Be supported by good governance - good governance that is effective and efficient will be developed over time, building relationships and trust through collaboration.
FLA OHT Collaborative Decision Making Agreement, Dec 18, 2020

If you wish to join as a new partner, please provide the following information:

Partners are listed on the FLA OHT Partner page (www.flaoht.ca/partners) with a link to their websites.


Please outline below the services/supports that you or your organization provide to the community.


Please describe how the FLA OHT could be supported by your services/organization.

Thank you! We will be in touch with you regarding next steps.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Anastassiya Khrokova
Executive Assistant  FLA-OHT/ ÉSO-FLA  
Assistant Exécutif